Established in 2005, Celebrating 20 Years in Practice!
Established in 2005, Celebrating 20 Years in Practice!
Attorney Melinda Gustafson Gervasi released her first non-fiction book in 2013 called, Middle Class Philanthropist: How Anyone Can Leave a Legacy.
This is a small book designed to educate and inspire the average person to make a final, end-of-life gift to a charitable cause, as well as challenge nonprofit development staff to re-examine who they view as a philanthropist. From the back cover:
"Predating democracy, capitalism, organized religion, and as old as humanity itself, philanthropy exists because things often go wrong, and things can always be better in our world. Nothing about philanthropy requires a person to have excessive amounts of money to make a difference. In Middle Class Philanthropist: How anyone can leave a legacy, Melinda Gustafson Gervasi redefines the conventional view of philanthropy, providing simple and practical tools by which anyone can leave a legacy."
Middle Class Philanthropist: How Anyone Can Leave a Legacy is available in bookstores, and through online book sellers:
Discounted copies are available directly through our office. Please contact Melinda at (608) 274-7192. Middle Class Philanthropist: How Anyone Can Leave a Legacy is available for $5.00 per copy or with quantity discounts:
(sales tax or shipping is not included)
Making sense of illness, death and taxes through the eyes of Attorney and Author, Melinda Gustafson Gervasi
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